
Friday, 9 August 2019

In the beginning vocab sheet.

W.A.L.T  expand our vocab.

Reflection: Darius and I worked together on this drawing and we worked for  2 days we had trouble at first but we finished in time.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Pub-g summary

Pub g. 
Pub-g is free for all and a team deathmatch where you attack all the people you find and eliminate till the last one standing. 

You first start by logging in. When you log in you get the chance to be a guest or permanently make an account that you make to play the game.  
You start by spawning in a spawn island. on the spawn island, there are containers and a plane crash. That's where you wait until the game starts. When the game starts you leap onto an on a plane to wait until you jump to any place you want, the place I tend to land is Military base because there are many people and there is a lot of guns.
In the buildings, there are upgrades like a red bull (red bull helps with your health), Painkillers (Painkillers help you with your health and with your pain, it also doesn’t take health until you get hit too many times).

How you play.
It really depends if your playing on mobile, PlayStation and pc. If you play on mobile there are buttons on the side that has the shoot button and the movement button.
Up to the top, there is another shoot button and the pause button. On PlayStation, you use the thumb pads to move around and the LB to aim then use the RB to shoot. The x is to jump and the square is to pick up the guns and loot.

What to do.
When you're on the battleground you straight away have to find loot to attack the other players. The best gun in the game is the AWM it is a sniper rifle that is one shot your gone. Garages don't tend to have loot but the school does. The school is the biggest building in the pub g world it has more than any loot on the whole map. With all the loot that you have, you battle all the people you find until the last two people standing.

If you win you end up in the winning screen. On the winning screen is Winner Winner chicken dinner with Rank, Kills and reward.